Sometimes, it is rather messy. I guess that is why I am so drawn to the pretty, the lovely, the gentle, the serenity I see outside my sphere in the blogs and photos of others. That could be why the delicate and delightful tugs at my soul each time I visit Pinterest and grab photos to share.
I tend to gravitate towards the worn and weary, the used and abused. Not to dwell on their inadequacy or flaws, no. It's because I see the potential-- how it can be changed and made into something fresh, useful, and cherished.
Lately it seems as though a piece of me is torn from my heart, my soul, my spirit each day, and I must not struggle to retrieve it or hold onto it. I cannot place a bandaid on it, or kiss it and make it better. I have to literally leave it behind and walk on into the next hour and the next day. It's a lot like grief. It follows you wherever you go, but it cannot live comfortably with the life you seek to live. It becomes an unspoken part of you...a part you know is there, but others fail to recognize any longer. And that's okay, it's still part of being me-- its melody is mine alone to hear. And sing.
I hope that someone sees the unbeautiful in me. These days, I am quite undesirable, indeed. My mistakes and bad choices surmount and war to destroy me.
Posted by: Karen | January 27, 2013 at 12:27 PM
well, my friend, why would one see the unbeautiful in you and want to dwell upon any flaw you may or may not have? what you see as undesirable, others do not. what you choose to hold onto is what keeps you enslaved to that which seeks to blossom and flourish and add fragrance to another's day. And many are blessed by your presence. See those who are blessed and savor their love... the rest do not mean anything. there are always those who will not see your goodness and the strength within your broken days... always. Christ himself was rejected and he was perfect. Why do we expect the world to accept us when even our Lord was tossed aside?
Choose THIS DAY... seize THIS DAY... yesterday is gone. tomorrow may never come.
Posted by: hariette | January 27, 2013 at 12:49 PM