I'd like to be young again. I'd like to run like I use to. Play volleyball with the youth. I'd like to swim, jump on the trampoline with my granddaughters. I'd like to climb the rocks at Mt. Scott and explore the cracks and crevices. I'd love to be able to, not only pick colors for my little efficiency apartment, but climb ladders and paint the walls and pack my belongings for our impending move.
I know that's silly. But for a little while...it would be nice.
It would also be nice if I could go back to December 9th, 2010 and leave my house just a little bit later, or earlier. Either one would be sufficient to avoid the timing of Mr. Luna driving through a stop-sign and crashing into my car. At least before that day, though I could not do all the things above, I could still paint pictures and enjoy doing puzzles with my granddaughters. I could play more freely with Kinsey and Haylee. I could bend a little farther, sit up straight a little longer. I could make plans and carry them out; go to my Tuesday painting classes, and make commitments believing I could keep them.
God has used this physical trial to bring about another dream of sorts. You see, when I first started blogging in 2006, I wanted to build a website where I could share thoughts with other women about common thoughts-- our faith, our love for children and grandchildren, recipes we like, and mundane miscellaneous chatter. I wanted an online magazine-style site. I can't believe that I am getting closer and closer to harmonizing the blogs I write. Had I not been so limited (for fear of creating another agonizing twist in my neck), I wouldn't have been able to mesh my sites like I imagined. I wouldn't have taken the time to learn all the things I need to learn to link each site together with various buttons and feeds. I've still got a bunch of work to do before I'm satisfied. It's kinda like my life in Christ.
"And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ." Philippians 1:6 ESV
God began a good work in me. He will bring that work to completion. In His time. And part of the completed work is what I do and what I dream to do. It's nice to dream-- even "for a little while". Can you relate? If so, tell me the dreams you are dreaming in the comment box below. What trial are you facing that's taken you to a place you had not expected? I'd really like to know. selahV for Today