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January 30, 2010


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Very thoughtful post, so truthful...and what a relief to know He doesn't reject us, no matter what. But I guess when people have done nothing but reject or handle us carelessly, it's hard to take down those walls and risk vulnerability again. Might be worth it. I don't know.


Vicki, it's lonely without people we can trust. I think the wisest thing is to crack the door to our hearts, and not throw it wide open. Throughout my life I have mostly thrown it wide open and went for broke. And I got broken.

Yet, so often, even when we carefully, and slowly lift the guardrails of our innermost thoughts, I have found some people who like to take a snapshot of a particular phrase we've used and define a belief system, character and personality of all we are as a portfolio to share with the world. It can be hurtful.

However, the risk is worth it when I consider all the loyal friends I have. In the final analysis of it all, I always have the Lord. And I know He is faithful to love me regardless because I am His. selahV

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