So I'm trying to lose weight without running or walking 3 miles a day. Don't tell me it can't be done because the doctor says it can be done. I've cut my calorie intake to 1,200 calories a day. I'm doing Robotics, which is machine operated exercising in which you resist the way the machine is going and thereby tone muscles and lose inches. (Yes, you can believe those commercials. I've met some of the ladies who have lost 45 inches. Can't imagine how big they use to be.)
I don't really like the fact that I must drink so much water, however, I'm finding the more water I drink, the more water I want. And that leads me to another thought:
The more of Jesus I receive, the more I drink from His well of living water, the more I want of Him and Him alone. So just as the more water I drink will help me shrink, the more of Jesus I absorb, the less of me there will be. Kinda neat when you think about it, huh? [copyrighted, SelahV Today, 2008]
I've known a few people on this water routine...I'll give you a hint to save you some time...just keep the water pitcher in the bathroom! It'll save you many, many trips! Maybe move the TV in there as well...
Posted by: M. Steve Heartsill | July 22, 2008 at 06:37 PM
Ah, Steve, you're always good for a laugh. I've got my computer right next to the bathroom. That is where I spend a great deal of time. (the office, that is. lol) selahV
Posted by: selahv | July 22, 2008 at 06:43 PM
I'd comment here like Steve but this says it is a forum for women. Aaahh what am I doing here? See you at the "man" site. (your other one) :)
Posted by: Bill (cycleguy) | July 23, 2008 at 03:32 AM
Bill, MEN! you get invited into the innersanctum of feminine thought and you run away scared? now, now....I thought you'd be able to handle this quite well.
Posted by: selahv | July 23, 2008 at 06:58 AM