Such a powerful dominating word.
What comes to your mind when you hear it? When you read it? Strength? Power? Might? She's a very passionate mother. A passionate wife. A passionate friend. A passionate______, you fill in the blank.
To me, passion is not virtuous.
Passion hungers for itself--its own satisfaction.
It is a fisted infant demanding recognition.
"Passion is a sort of fever in the mind, which ever leaves us weaker than it found us." William Penn.
We strive. We push. We challenge. We demand. We force. We never relent, because concession is weakness. Never let it be said of passion that it would compromise, nor give one inch. Passion slams doors to reason. It boils and fumes and is never quenched, even when its goal is presumed an attainment. Passion finds no pleasure in itself; it drains our spirit and leaves us empty--in search of more, more, more. Such a selfish thing.
A heart without passion is a heart filled with peace. A storm calmed, a lion tamed, a spirit controlled. Yielded, open, inviting. A challenge met, savored and cradled~~that is virtue...not passion. [copyrighted, SelahV Today, 2007]
Good post! I just looked up the word passionate online, and the definition is: easily aroused to anger, filled with anger. I didn't realize that's what passionate meant.
Definitely not a virtue.
The photo is so cute!
God bless,
Posted by: Rose | April 14, 2007 at 05:22 PM
Rose: thanks. I've been really pondering what a virtuous woman is these days. I think we have lost sight of her in today's society. I so admire my daughter. She is as close to Proverbs 31 as any woman could get. While she and I may walk on different sides of a railway at times, we are always holding hands and walking in the same direction.
I plan to spotlight some virtuous women in coming days on this site. It should be good reading.
Passion is a very misused, misunderstood word. Some think because you make a passionate stand for something that is to be commended. Passion is a short fuse waiting to explode, in my opinion. selahV
Posted by: SelahV | April 14, 2007 at 05:53 PM