are times when folks do not want Christians in their midst. They cannot
handle the Light in their darkness. Worse than that, there are times
some Christians do not want fellow Christians in their midst. Their
words are as arrows aimed at humiliating. They come with intentions to
destroy rather than mend. To separate, rather than unite. They use
sarcasm to ridicule because they do not want to meet face to face to
spew their inflammatory thoughts and statements. They hide behind
cloaks of anonymity.
When confronted with their baseless accusations, they treat others
with condescending attitudes and pride-filled reproof. And I am
reminded of the psalmists words:
“Transgression [like an oracle] speaks to the wicked deep in his heart. There is no fear or dread of God before his eyes.” Psalm 36:1.
Indeed, this type of individual sees no wrong in himself. His heart is calloused to the Spirit’s conviction of sin.
“For he flatters and deceives himself in his own eyes that his iniquity
will not be found out and be hated. The words of his mouth are wrong
and deceitful; he has ceased to be wise and to do good. He plans
wrongdoing on his bed; he sets himself in a way that is not good; he
does not reject or despise evil.” Ps. 36:2.
We should avoid this kind of person at all costs. We should ignore
them when we pass them along our pathways. We should not speak to them
or address their complaints or accusations, lest we fall prey to their
folly and join them in their iniquity. And more importantly than any
other reason to ignore and avoid them, is that any participation with
them by seeking to communicate would be futile. And it would bring
grief to our Lord and the Holy Spirit within us. We cannot let our
pride trip us up and tempt us to retaliate in kind. Although, Jesus is
in us and we are in Jesus, we are not Jesus. Yet, we must
take heed by remembering that though He was reviled, spat upon, beaten
and humiliated, He spoke not a word. This was not weakness or cowering
or shrinking from His enemies–this was strength. Jesus never wavered.
He stood fast in the midst of His accusers and endured. He did not run
from the guards, nor did He call down a legion of angels. Nor should we.
“Let not the foot of pride overtake me, and let not the hand
of the wicked drive me away. There the workers of iniquity fall and lie
prostrate; they are thrust down and shall not be able to rise.” Ps. 36:11, 12.
“O continue Your loving-kindness to those who know You, Your righteousness (salvation) to the upright in heart.” Ps. 36:10.
Our God is our defender. Our God is our refuge. In Him there is no
hiding, only safety and power to overcome those who seek to belittle
and count us insignificant in the world. We have no fear of any. I have
no fear of any. None can drive me away. selahV
[copyrighted, SelahV Today, 2008]