I finished doing the dishes and grabbed a cup of coffee. I finished that cup, and had another as I edited devotions for a book, and studied sayings of Jesus on the cross. In Greek, "it is finished" was an accounting term. It meant paid in full. Ever wonder what that said to onlookers at the crucifixion of Christ so many years ago? Surely a few questions rose in their minds: What could this man hanging on a cross mean by "It is finished"? He breathed no more. Was He predicting His last breath, His death? Some theologians tell us it meant that Jesus had paid in full the price for the sin of man. His death and words meant His work, His commission, on earth was over, completed, finished. But was it?
"Later, knowing that all was now completed, and so that the Scripture would be fulfilled...Jesus said, "It is finished." With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit." John 19:28-30.
Three days later, Jesus rose from the grave. He stood by the open grave and questioned Mary for her weeping; He preached to her and told her not to cling to what was--but what had come through His death and resurrection. He met and talked with the lost on their way to Emmaus. (Lk.24:13-35) He appeared to the bewildered followers hovering in the Upper Room. He preached to Thomas and showed him His nail-scarred hands. He met Peter on the beach. He rose in the clouds and told thousands of onlookers to go into the world and baptize, make disciples and teach them to observe all things whatsoever He had commanded. He sat down beside His Father. He makes intercession as our advocate today. He will someday judge the world. He will separate His sheep from the goats. He will come again to take His people home. No, the cross was not the final act of Christ. There's so much more to come.
I can finish a cup of coffee, I can finish the dishes, but if I want to eat, they will get dirty again. I will always be washing the dishes. Jesus finished the commitment He made to the Father to go to the cross in obedience. He showed us how to love, how to talk, how to pray, how to sacrifice. Until we breathe our last breath, it will not be finished for us.
We sit with Him in glory and abide in HIm; we walk with Him on earth by faith, in his power; we stand with Him, in His power and protection against the evil one. We follow Him wherever He leads and rely on Him to keep us in the grace sufficient to meet every need we have to stay the course until this life is finished for us, too. What a friend we have in Jesus. What a joy to walk with Him, to talk with Him, to know His love and fulfillment of His live within us. What do you say? What are you doing with Jesus today? If you are a Christian, are you now "finished" because you know you have salvation? Or are you ready to go for a walk with someone today?
© Hariette Petersen, SelahV Today, 2010