"Be of good courage,
and HE shall strengthen your heart,
all ye who hope in the LORD."
Psalm 31:24
"Good" courage as opposed to "bad" courage-- courage based on self-reliance, self-aggrandizement.
Our courage can be wrapped in, soaked in, and saturated with the blood of Christ. He is our defense and our shield and refuge. Hope in Him.
He stilled the mouth of lions.
He walked in the fire with His faithful.
He calmed the raging seas and used them as "stepping stones" to His frightened disciples.
AND it is HE who "shall strengthen your heart"--each and every person who places his or her "hope in the LORD".
Not in self.
Not in whether this guy or that guy comes through for us. God wants it and wills it, so we can trust Him. Then we have no fear. NONE. ~selahVtoday