He dwells in you. And you are never alone. The world may buffet you and beat against your mind and heart, but Christ is always present within you to give you strength and courage to endure. The evils of this world--disease, illness and enemies of life-- will try to destroy your peace and tear your body apart, but the Great Physician is your comfort and balm.
"The one who lives under the protection of the Most High dwells in the shadow of the Almighty." Psalm 91:1
I cannot go into the sunlight without glasses to shade my eyes anymore. If I do, my eyes tear up and hurt. I can barely see. My skin is thinner than it was when I was young and the sun scorches me within a few minutes wherein I use to lie for hours in the beams and tan.
These are minor issues for an aging lady, really. The harder challenges are those that attack my weakened lungs and vulnerable immune system. These must always be considered when I do anything or visit anyone who may have a contagious condition. It can be a great concern if not for the trust and faith I have in a Sovereign Lord who knows my needs and protects me from the things I find most threatening.
I suppose it's hardest for me when I try to do what I once did with youthful energy and vitality only to find my ornery old body will not cooperate anymore. It's annoying, to say the least, when women older than I are able to get about and do those things with ease which I can no longer do, even if I struggle. However, this is the place in which the LORD Almighty has placed me. And for this space I do not reject as insignificant-- even though at times, I feel insignificant. My place rests beneath His wings, under the shadow of His constant protection. How blessed I am that I can still see to read, and have fingers nimble enough to type and a mind clear enough to praise Him from this space He's designed just for me.
May the LORD give you insight to see the space He's given you this day and may you walk in it as He directs.