Today I have a dozen things to do. Taking my friend from Iraq to the library to get a library card. Then to the mall for lunch. Then to the park so her little boy and my granddaughters can slide, swing, and climb. Then...then I get to come home and sit in my recliner and watch Scooby Doo or Ben-Ten, with the girls both cuddled up on each side of me.
I'm tired, just thinking about it. I know you must be a bit tired, yourself. You're coming to the end of your week. You're looking forward to the weekend and changing the mundane blahs of grueling routine. You probably still have to go grocery shopping. I think of my husband today. He's been battling a cold all week. Yet, he goes every morning to work and never complains. I think of friends who have their own set of weariness. Their own crammed schedules. Appointments and errands.
As my mind turns away from myself, it focuses on you, my friends. I pray as Paul once did the Colossians:
"...that you may be invigorated and strengthened with all power according to the might of His glory, [to exercise] every kind of endurance and patience (perseverance and forebearance) with joy. Giving thanks to the Father, Who has qualified and made us fit to share the portion which is the inheritance of the saints in the Light." Colossians 1:11-12.
As fellow Believers, we are not left alone. In times of weariness and plain brown-bag tiredness, I pause to ask my Father for strength to meet the day ahead. I know I cannot make it by myself. I know I need His power, His patience, His self-control, and calm to face the tasks ahead. I want to shine today for Him. I want to be His salt. I pray that you and I will be guided by His hand and uplifted by His refreshing Spirit. selahV