Some folks would rather make points than get points. I don’t much care about points. When I play dominoes, rummy or most any game, I never keep score. I tell my granddaughters who always want to be the “winner” that it’s not about winning, it is about playing the game and having fun.
One of my favorite sports is soccer. When they play I always hope for a tie-game. Everybody wins that way; everybody’s happy, right? Nope. Some folks get mad, really mad if they have not accumulated enough points to win the game. I hear kids walk away from the court muttering that the referee wasn’t fair, or they got pushed or blaming another teammate for failing to block the opponent’s goal. The same person turns a deaf ear to the coach when the coach tries to tell them what to do on the field.
“A scoffer seeks Wisdom in vain [for his very attitude blinds and deafens him to it], but knowledge is easy to him who [being teachable] understands. Go from the presence of a foolish and self-confident man, for you will not find knowledge on his lips.” Proverbs 14:6,7.
Some folks are unteachable. Unreachable. Unapproachable. They rarely ask for assistance because they already know how to do things and how others should do them. Should they ever ask a question, they pretty much have their minds made up about the answer and anyone’s input is moot.
Others bend over backwards to try and learn. They reach out and expend themselves in charity, gentleness, and humility. They pray for wisdom. They seek counsel from others more godly than they are.
One group finds no wisdom. Their attitude deafens them and blinds them to it. The other group finds knowledge is easy to understand because they are teachable. To which group do you belong? selahV
[copyrighted, NOV 7 2008, selahvtoday, hariette petersen]