I once knew a mother who never told her husband when their son got a speeding ticket, made bad grades, or was given detention. She constantly covered up her son's improper and rebellious behavior. She excused his actions; it was never his fault--it was teachers, policemen, and peer pressure. When her son was later arrested, convicted and imprisoned for burglary and abusing his spouse, she continued to justify and rationalize his behavior. This is not the way we must cover a multitude of sins.
"My brethren, if anyone among you strays from the Truth and falls into error and another brings him back [to God], let the [latter] one be sure that whoever turns a sinner from his evil course will save [that one's] soul from death and will cover a multitude of sins." James 5:19,20.
Christians should do our utmost to bring an erring brother or sister back to God. We should confront them with their actions and pray for them and love them. And if that person repents and turns back to God, we will have covered a multitude of sins. Is there someone you know today who needs admonishment and encouragement? Grace and forgiveness? selahV