I praised God before. But I know for a fact I praise Him more today. I wonder sometimes if I could have praised Him as much today, had my life not taken the turns it has in the past few years? Would I have praised Him every day if not for the trials I've been through? Would I have given Him the honor and glory He deserved? Would I have the relationship with Him that I have today? I don't think so.
Before my son was tragically killed, I worshipped God. I praised Him. I loved Him and I trusted Him. Then Chad died. And everything I knew of God was tested to the maximum. Everything.
"Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need." Hebrews 4:16
There is mercy and grace at the throne of God. And through Christ and in Christ is the comfort and sufficiency we need in every circumstance. He is able. Immeasurably and abundantly able to carry me when I cannot walk. In every shadow of death, He is there. In every trial and tribulation, He is there. I no longer wonder if I would have praised God more. I'm just glad I do. selahV
[© SelahV Today, Hariette Petersen, 2008]