"Haste makes waste," Mama warned me when I was trying to rush through a job. "Measure twice, cut once," she instructed when we shortened the hemline of my slacks. "A stitch in time saves nine," she quipped when trying to get me to mend a hole in my sweater.
Through the years, I've heard those words come barreling into my mind on multiple occasions. Many times they visited after I'd already let the three-stitch hole grow to need thirty stitches, or cut the legs off my pants without bothering to measure. Foolish ways, wasted actions and time. The same is true of words too quickly uttered--and not just in anger.
"Do you see a man who speaks in haste? There is more hope for a fool than for him." Proverbs 29:20
Most folks who speak in haste end up regretting their words. Ever spoken on impulse and made a commitment you wish you hadn't? Afterwards, when you worked to fulfill your hasty commitment, ever been disgruntled and begrudging? I have. And my attitude made my efforts worthless. Wasted. I may have sacrificed my time and even money to accomplish the task, but a stingy heart and contrary spirit does nothing to honor the Lord. And He knows it. selahV
[copyrighted, SelahV Today, 2008]