He did all he knew to do to right the situation. He explained. He prayed. He apologized for any misunderstandings. His motives were pure, his intentions noble. But what he'd hoped would resolve the situation, didn't occur. He felt as though he'd failed.
Sometimes we think we've left some sin unconfessed, some deed undone. We wonder if there was one more thing we could have done to make things better. But still we're left with brokenness, and communication breakdowns. Sometimes no matter what we do, we cannot change the course of events. We cannot glue the broken pottery vase back to its original state. And others will not accept our efforts no matter how much we attempt to right a situation. But God is not like man.
"Therefore has the Lord recompensed me according to my righteousness (my uprightness and right standing with Him), according to the cleanness of my hands in His sight." Psalm 18:24
God is unlike people. He can see the heart where man will not or cannot. The sincerity and guilelessness is clear to God. He will reward according to what is in His sight--not the sight of man. How blessed are we to be covered in the righteousness of Jesus' blood. How blessed we are to know that God sees the sacrifice of His Son when He looks upon our lives. For as we waver, stumble and trip through life, God is able to pick us up and place us on firm ground. He is able where we are not. And we receive recompense accordingly. selahV
[copyrighted, SelahV Today, 2008]