Ever say things you wish you hadn't? Ever wish you'd said something that you didn't? It amazes me how often I find myself wishing both of these things. One of the most difficult things in life according to the Bible is to control one's tongue. It is likened to trying to bridle a horse and keep it controlled. It's compared to the tiny rudder that changes the course of direction of a giant ship.
Jesus tells us what comes out of our mouth is simply resting within our hearts. If you feel bitter, then negativity and cynicism naturally taints the tone of conversation. If you feel joyful, grateful and humbled, then optimism, blessing and praise illuminates each word. I paraphrase: what we think in our hearts, so are we.
Our Savior said, "...whatever I speak, I am saying [exactly what My Father has told Me to say and in accordance with His instructions." John 12:50b
If only. If only I could echo this statement of my Lord. That "whatever" I speak, I'm "saying" what God wants me to say. That my words not only relay the Truth, the Gospel message, but that when I speak, it honors my Father in heaven in accordance with all He asks of me. Oh, that my thoughts be held captive to the control of the Holy Spirit. Let more of He Who abides in me and I in Him be ever-manifested in my life today. And yours. selahV
[copyrighted, SelahV Today, 2008]