Sometimes I don't want to give in to my granddaughter. I don't want to let her ride the mechanical horse at the mall or have that lollipop. Sometimes she is so ornery and demanding that her behavior circumvents any desire on my part to acquiese--even when it's what I'd planned to do all along. Simply put, bad behavior doesn't get rewarded. But oh the joy I have in giving when she behaves, says please, and doesn't demand her own way. Sometimes, in spite of all I do for her or with her, she demands more without appreciation. That, my friends, is the way of a three-year-old.
As I thought about HayJae and her uncanny way of manipulating me, I wonder if I was like that with God. Do I ever demand my way with Him? Do I go about life in my way and then expect an answer to my prayer?
"The Lord rewarded me according to my righteousness (my conscious integrity and sincerity with Him); according to the cleanness of my hands has He recompensed me." Psalm 18:20
Do you ever take God for granted? Do you think God owes you something because you are striving to live the way He directs? Do you question why He doesn't? The moment we think we deserve something from God, we are no better than my granddaughter who demands more from me. God's goodness is beyond any we can imagine. When we do not receive the the desires of our hearts, it's most likely because our hearts are not in line with God's. He rewards according to the cleanness of our hands, the purity of our hearts, and the purpose of His plan for our lives. Sometimes we're so busy throwing tantrums, we miss the joys He would bestow had we just patiently waited upon Him. selahV
[copyrighted, SelahV Today, 2008]