What plans do I have for eternity? This is a question that came to my mind as I read the passage of scripture the Lord led me to today. I think about the fact that Jesus gave His life to attone for sin–my sin. I think about how glorious it will be to meet my loved ones when I die–a great reunion. Such comfort I have in that thought. I think about the joy of meeting the saints of old and hearing the praise of people who have met Jesus as a result of our prayers–people we never met, never knew by name–but prayed for all the same. I think of praising Jesus all day long–with an unending day. Oh how marvelous that seems to me! To dance in the meadows of heaven with children in tow. To listen to eternal laughter and feel the warmth of never-ending Light and Love. And I cannot help but praise the Lord today.
“Praise the Lord, O my soul! I will praise the Lord while I live; I will sing praises to my God while I have my being.” Psalm 146:1
Yes, heaven is a wonderful place. It’s wonderful to think of no more sorrow, no more struggle, no more tears. But the marvel of life is praising the Lord Who makes all this possible for me–for others today. Oh, to remember this as I walk the grocery aisles and pass folks on the streets of everyday life. Such blessings cannot and should not be kept to myself “while I live and have my being” on this earth. selahV
[copyrighted, SelahV Today, 2008]