We've all faced it. We've all had a time in our lives when it seems no matter what we do, people are bent on making our lives miserable. We even wonder what possessess them---what controls their hearts. Do they have a heart? Is there no compassion at all in their soul? Is their no reason or understanding in their minds?
"Their poison is like the venom of a serpent; they are like the deaf adder or asp that stops its ear." Ps. 58:4
When met with such people in our lives we want to call down heaven to "break their teeth, O God, in their mouths; break out the fangs...". {vs.6.
I have found in my life of multiple times of battling such people that God is not blind. He knows those people are in my life. He does not sleep. He isn't the least bit concerned with their attitudes and actions. "Behold, they belch out [insults] with their mouths; swords [of sarcasm, ridicule, slander, and lies] are in their lips, for who, they think, hears us? But You, O Lord, will laugh at them [in scorn]..."Ps.59:7,8a.
God knows my adversaries. God hears their taunts. And while they may be a burden to my soul, to God they are nothing.
"I will cry to God Most High, Who performs on my behalf and rewards me [Who brings to pass His purposes for me and surely completes them]! He will send from heaven and save me from the slanders and reproaches of him who would trample me down or swallow me up, and He will put him to shame. Selah. God will send forth His mercy and loving-kindness and His truth and faithfulness." Psalm 57:1,2.
I take such comfort in knowing my God is watching over me. I have such peace in joining the psalmist with these words:
"Be exalted, O God, above all the heavens! Let Your glory be over all the earth! My heart is fixed, O God, my heart is steadfast and confident! I will sing and make melody." Ps. 57:5, 7.
Sing with me my friends. Make melody to the King. His glory is over all the earth. He is above all the heavens! Let your heart be fixed, steadfast and confident. He will not fail you. selahV
[copyrighted, SelahV Today, 2008]