I was on my way to an appointment yesterday. I was running a bit late. As I approached a green light, it turned red. I sat at that red-light without one flutter of anxiety. I felt no intrusion upon myself or my journey as I waited for it to turn green. As cars sped by in front of me, I considered the peace I felt. I recalled a time in my life when I would have considered a red-light as a purposeful affront to my plans. "Why me? Why now?" I remembered when, once, I actually swerved into the adjoining lane, took a right, made a u-turn, joined the traffic and made it through the green light before my red-light changed over. Impatience.
Oh my. In days of old, I've had no patience whatsoever. I've rushed ahead full-steam to make a way. I didn't like impasses. This impatience in little things carried over into my life with larger issues. I tried to make things happen that were better left alone. Opportunities to stop and take stock of my life were met with constant thoughts of how to get around, over, under, beyond the "stop-lights" of life. Inevitably I would find myself in greater trouble than where I'd first begun to battle. Turning back and starting over often forced me to apologize, retract, repent, and stop my fruitless efforts. Why is it so hard to wait? Why is it so hard to rest? Why is it so hard to simply stop and let God?
"For thus says the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel: In returning [to Me] and resting [in Me] you shall be saved; in quietness and in [trusting] confidence shall be your strength. But you would not. And you said, No!" Isaiah 30:15, 16a.
"In quietness and in trusting, confidence will be your strength."
We cannot see quietness as strength. We fail to see the power in silence. We miss the glory of the Lord in our restlessness. And so we are left to fight our own battles---our way. We are left to ends by which our means have led us. The consequences of our choices often disappoint us; we seek refuge and shelter in houses built on sand.
Oh, that we would return to God and rest in Him. Oh, that we'd say, "Yes, Lord; yes!" Oh, that we would trust only in Him and heed His words:
"Let be and be still and know (recognize and understand) that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations. I will be exalted in the earth!" Psalm 46:10 selahV
May we find the easiest part of the battle and rest in the promises of God.
[copyrighted, SelahV Today, 2008]