Some of the most unbelievable monsters I’ve seen in this world were hundreds of giant blue sharks circling our 31-foot Pacemaker off the coast of Block Island in 1967. We’d cut our engines on a sea of water so calm it looked like an undisturbed boundless swimming pool. I’d never been on the ocean before–50 miles from dry land. It was an awesome sight to behold.
I spent nearly 3 hours chipping at frozen chum and tossing it into the oceano. I’d dip up warm ocean water from the side of the boat and add it to frozen fish parts. Then chip at it till some was loosened and toss it overboard. It’s called a chum-line. That was my job for the day. The ocean’s current would carry the line of raw fish chunks and hungry sharks would follow it back to our boat. There, my husband or his boss stood donned in this little harness vest, with a pole stuck in it’s pocket (or whatever that thing is called) and dangling a huge fish of some sort as bait. And we waited. The sharks circled and circled and one bit. And the men pulled shark after shark into the boat. 5-foot, 6 and 9 and more.
The boss’s wife and I stood on the top of the boat watching as the men hauled flapping sharks into the boat. Their feet dodged the snapping mouthes as they baited and pulled at the ones in the water. We caught 15 sharks that day. One of them was over 15 feet long. We hung it up on the jig or whatever that thing is they pull fish up on. And we still laugh to this day because we hung it up by it’s jaws instead of its tail. What a mess! What a sea monster!
It’s amazing we naive young people survived that trip. I was just nineteen. Truly amazing survival tale that happened the next day. But that is a story for another day for another moment of praise. The psalmist writes:
“Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord from the heavens, praise Him in the heights! Praise the Lord from the earth, you sea monsters and all deeps! You beasts…” Psalm 148:1,4,10.
Everything in earth, above earth, on earth and in the heavens are called to praise the Lord. Kings, all peoples, princes, all rulers and judges. {vs.11.
“Both young men and maidens, old men and children! Let them praise and exalt the name of the Lord, for His name alone is exalted and supreme! His glory and majesty are above earth and heaven!” Psalm 148:12, 13.
There are monsters in our world. Beasts. Sharks and lions. Crocodiles and tigers. There are Kings and Rulers. They dominate their domains. But all are subject to their Creator. They have no greater place in life than the wasp and the ant–the peoples of the earth. God alone is worthy of exaltation and awe. He alone is supreme. He alone deserves our praise! selahV
[copyrighted, SelahV Today, 2008]