Sometimes we must look our discontent in the eye and ask ourselves why? Why am I discontented? What factors in my life brought this about? Could I have done something to avoid the place in which I now find myself? Why am I filled with such discouragement, distress, and concern?
“The backslider in heart [from God and from fearing God] shall be filled with [the fruit of] his own ways, and a good man shall be satisfied with [the fruit of] his ways [with the holy thoughts and actions which his heart prompts and in which he delights].” Proverbs 14:14. Amplified.
SATISFIED. When I read this verse I zeroed in on the word “satisfied”. The backslider is filled with the fruit of his own ways. But the good man is satisfied with the fruit of his own ways.
I’m satisfied when I am in God’s will; I feel contented. I never feel satisfied unless I am certain I am in God’s will. My spirit longs to be in His will and to follow His way. It is when I seek after my own way I find myself unfulfilled–dissatisfied.
“Do they not err who devise evil and wander from the way of life? But loving-kindness and mercy, loyalty and faithfulness, shall be to those who devise good.” Prov.14:22.
It doesn’t take much to backslide–to take our eyes off the Most High God. Satan prowls about and seeks to entice us, play to our weaknesses and bait us with our own pride-filled desires. It is imperative we surround ourselves with Christian brothers and sisters to help us stay on track. It is important to seek God’s face the second we sense we’re on the wrong path. Discontentment can signal a slip in our walk and a wedge between us and our Lord. Should it meet us in the day, we must stop, fall on our spiritual knees and seek God’s face and praise Him for His greatness in our lives. And He will guide us back and bring us satisfaction that only He can give. selahV
[copyrighted, SelahV Today, 2008]