We gathered to eat our Christmas dinner. My son-in-law said grace. Then little 3-year-old Haylee said her grace, too. It is customary for her to thank God after anyone else prays. And one would think that she would simply repeat what she just heard. But she doesn’t. She says an entirely different prayer.
This time it really spoke volumes.
“Thank you for my mom and dad and my sissy and my Jarrett and Conner. Thank you for my food. And thank you for making me well. Amen.”
She never forgets to thank God for her family. And sometimes she misses thanking God for her food. But this time she thanked God for making her well. On Sunday she woke up with a fever and couldn’t go to church. On Monday it was gone and she felt better, too. After her prayer, I commented, “How precious that she would thank God for making her well.”
Haylee looked up at me with her big brown eyes and said, “God made me well, Grama. He did; didn’t He Mommy? I was sick and now I’m better.”
“We have heard with our ears, O God; our fathers have told us [what] work You did in their days, in the days of old.” Psalm 44:1.
What God has done in the past shows us His provision, His sustaining power. What God does today magnifies His promises and gives us hope for each hour.
Haylee is only 3, yet she knows from whence cometh her help. It comes from the Lord. And she doesn’t forget to thank Him for it, nor is she shy about telling others what He has done. May we all be led by this little one’s example. selahV
[copyrighted, SelahV Today, 2007]