What’s God doing in your life today?
I’ve got various things on my schedule today. I must write a post for tomorrow’s main site here at IMPACT. I really need to get my devotional up and posted before 6 a.m. tomorrow. I should address Christmas cards, wrap gifts for folks out of state and get them in the mail. I need to get my cookies baked. And I still haven’t found my little bird ornaments with which I decorate my Christmas trees. I need to find them. And that isn’t the half of what I need to do today. Sometimes I feel quite overwhelmed deciphering between what must be done, should be done, could be done and I want to be done. I feel like I’m in a wilderness of shoulds, coulds and musts.
But are those things all of God? Is this what He wants for my life today? There are times that life gets so filled with stuff to do that I’m sure I miss the thing most important. I read in Isaiah 43:19:
“Behold, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs forth; do you not perceive and know it and will you not give heed to it? I will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.”
When our lives get so filled with things to do that we cannot see what “new thing” the Lord is doing, we miss the opportunity to join Him in His work.
Take a few minutes today—before the rush of things-to-do bury you in a sandy desert place where no water flows. In those moments ask God to show you the “new thing” He is doing as you go about your day. He will make a way in your wilderness—as He surely intends to do mine. Why else would He have my eyes rest and cling to this verse as I read Isaiah? selahV
[copyrighted, SelahV Today, 2007]