Tonight was a family night at our church. Families busied themselves at their own tables designing, constructing and decorating gingerbread houses. It’s become an annual event at our church. It is so funny to watch us glue those graham-crackers together with icing and pray they stand erect till we’ve decorated and voted on which one is the best.
Tonite I saw a replica of Sonic, a red barn, a two-story chalet, a three-story house and multiple dwellings from around the world. As my husband and I built our house with my two granddaughters, I could hear the buzz of folks laughing, instructing, and talking with one another.
In the fellowship hall families gathered with small children and toddlers. There were families with just the husband and wife. One of the most encouraging sights was the families with several teenagers in their construction crew. In a time when our familes are challenged with technological attractions that pull our teens away from us, I stood there watching table after table with teenagers laughing and sticking candy-kisses, licorice, and cookies on iced graham crackers to build a house.
Times have changed since I was a child. So much to pull us away from one another–so many things coming between us. Yet, here the Lord brought us together with an ordinary, age-old tradition. Our candy and cookie houses will be a memory tomorrow. But the bond we built with one another will last a lifetime.
“In Him the whole structure is joined (bound, welded) together harmoniously, and it continues to rise (grow, increase) into a holy temple in the Lord [a sanctuary dedicated, consecrated, and sacred to the presence of the Lord].” Eph. 2:21
As Believers, our faith is in Christ and He joins the whole structure together for His honor and glory. We won’t have to worry about the sides caving in, or the prize we missed out on. For He is using us to build His temple and He has the design clearly defined with everything He needs to ensure it will last forever. selahV