Everywhere I go—grocery, malls, church, restaurants, department stores—there’s an excitement, an expectation of something wonderful about to occur. Some folks call it the “spirit of Christmas”. It is true. This time of the year does bring about a spirit of goodwill we seldom see any other time of the year. Perhaps it is because folks are all thinking about giving.
I know, for me, I always feel brighter and happier when I am giving something to someone. I get excited thinking about what I can pick that will please them and thrill them. It’s not that I have to get something for this one or that. I want to give something (usually much more than I can possibly afford). That is why my heart wells with joy when I give. I want to do it. Yet, whatever gift I get—no matter how perfect, or magical or well-conceived the idea—in a few days, or weeks, the gift will have lost its magic, its perfection, its newness.
I have multiple memories of several gifts which brought me glee and happiness in Christmas past; but none so wonderful as the Gift of Christ. Today as I dwell on the days prior to Christ’s birth, I join with Mary in saying, “My soul magnifies and extols the Lord, And my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.” Luke 1:46,47.
Can you join with Mary in these words of praise? Will your soul so magnify the Lord today that it is manifested in all you say and do? Will your actions and words extol the Lord, your Savior as you go about your Christmas activities? This is my prayer for myself and you. selahV
[copyrighted, SelahV Today, 2007]